Two value propositions that contribute to organizational development, applicable to the key resource of your Company: your Human Capital
Diagnosis of the level of quality of working life by appliying an instrument that measures the perception that Human Capital has on subjective and objective elements of its work in a physical, remote and digital organizational environment.
A follow-up to the results aimed at generating a value proposition for Human Capital.

With an innovative four criteria-model to assess the quality of working life, designed and supported by a theoretical-scientific and comprehensive vision about what the Human Being is as well as the existential conditions required to experience well-being and meaning at work:

How was our proposal born?
Our services for the diagnosis and design of the quality of working life are born from an investigation that we carried out during the years 2014-2015, to determine a model of adequate conditions and criteria, objective and subjective, that could represent and measure the well-being of the Human Being at work, carried out in an organizational environment, considering the particular situational and cultural characteristics of Mexico, being the country that has the longest working hours of all the OECD member countries.
This model of conditions and criteria is scientifically based on the Structural Model of the Psychological Theory of Existential Analysis
In addition, it constitutes an organizational resource for the permanence of the normative conditions established in NOM-035-STPS, aimed at the prevention of psychosocial risks - limited only of an occupational nature in the workplace - and the maintenance of a work environment favorable on him.
Why is a diagnosis and design of the quality of working life necessary in the organizational context?
The human factor of a company requires certain conditions to achieve both their personal work mission and their personal existential fullfilment. In an organization, such conditions are represented by those requirements that provide quality of working life to all the personnel as well as a benefit for the Society as a whole. This quality of life is experienced when these conditions allow the realization of the fundamental existential motivations to which every human being aspires in their work context and gives an integral meaning to their work .
Some examples of what a person wants with the work they do are:
Do a job that allows you to take advantage of and further develop your skills, knowledge and creativity.
Trust, recognition and appreciation for the work you do.
Freedom of expression and validation of ideas contributed.
Agility and certainty of assigned projects.
Mutual commitment of collaborators in the Organization.
Being able to handle stress and emotions.
Carry out a job aligned with one's own values.
Equity in salaries and promotions.
Assertive and timely communication of problems, changes and restructuring in the workplace.
Professional and personal development through work.
Feel your contribution to the business mission.
Understand the purpose of the Organization and its contribution to the sustainable development of the world.
Feel the value of work and that what you do has a meaning for your life.

How to maintain the quality of working life in the workplace?
Attending to the essence, that is to say, to the bottom of what should be a good quality of work life, instead of remaining only in the forms. In-depth work is needed that goes beyond complying with the completion of forms that demonstrate mandatory compliance for the prevention of symptoms of psychosocial risks and labor unrest; For this reason, we propose a comprehensive methodological program -based on education, existential psychology and ethics- for the diligence of human capital, at the three levels that we consider necessary to reach the roots of education and the corporate culture of the company and in the profound way in which they affect the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual well-being of the collaborators.
Why an assessment of each job position based on existential human competencies?

What gives value to a job position in an organizational structure?
The value of each position within an organizational structure is shaped by the profile of competencies, both functional (hard) and essential (soft), that a person requires to carry out their assigned activities. The image of the human being is understood by the link of its functional value and its essential value, which are the basis for the development of its self-esteem. Therefore, the presence of this intrinsic duality of functionality and essence is fundamental in a work context, since it is what enables the formation of existential human competencies necessary to face the conditions that arise in any context of life, including labor, and, consequently, to make decisions with freedom and responsibility for action and its social and environmental effects.
What do we measure?
We base the determination of the value of the positions on four scales of valuation for labor human competences, which have the same weight of weight. The fairness that these four competencies must maintain among themselves forms the basis for the motivation and dedication of the personnel in their work activity.


To obtain a value for each position, based on the organizational philosophy, which measures the degree of influence and its relative importance that each one of them has within the Hierarchical Organization; considering primarily that this valuation implies a measurement of characteristics closely related to human beings.

To create the profile of the functional and essential strengths that each person needs to develop for optimal performance of the functions of their position, which form the basis for the management of selection, training and performance evaluation processes.

To generate a tabulator of salaries and remunerations to staff with a normalized distribution, which provides equity and internal harmony in the Organization, as it is based on an objective assessment; as well as external competitiveness in the productive market, by updating by maintaining a continuous development of labor competencies.